Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring is Here! (Or at least... almost here!)

Hey! Many of my friends have personal blogs. I always kind of thought to myself... what's the point? But then... I find myself reading and looking forward to their posts. So I thought I'd join in on the fun, especially because Ian and I are on the countdown until we move to Bellingham, Washington in 77 days. Since we're leaving the rest of our family and friends here in Texas, I thought it might be fun to have an easy way for you to stay in the loop. I also intend to share my cooking and crafting adventures... as well as a few tips and tricks I learn on here as well! Stay tuned...

How can you not love a kitty like that??? She must have had some pretty exciting adventures last night... And, as for Ian and I... we didn't intend to match today, I promise! But we looked so cute together I just had to take a picture :)